Latrobe Art Center Shares Recap of 'Week of Kindness'

Thank you for partnering with us for another Week of Kindness!

From May 21-27, dozens of community members, businesses, and organizations partnered with Latrobe Art Center in spreading intentional acts of kindness throughout the community in celebration of one important life lesson taught to us by Mister Rogers - "Be Kind!" During the week-long event, more than 400 specially designed "You've Been Fred Roger-ed" cards were picked up and spread throughout the community with corresponding acts of kindness.

Don't let the kindness end here! We encourage any card holders to keep the kindness moving throughout the year. You never know whose life you may change with just one simple act of kindness. :)

If you missed out on our Week of Kindness this year or still have some acts of kindness to share, stop by the art center to pick up some extra kindness cards while supplies last!


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