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Artists: Allina Ai, Minjin Batzorig, Jude Bissonette, Jasmin Cha, Rui Chang, Jean Cho, Sarah Cho, Stacey Cho, Ji Hyun Chung, Stella Davis, Mila Fejzo, Laurence Gao, Peiran Ge, Anabelle Kang, Ella Keegan, Ashley Kim, Rebecca Kim, Yeongje Kim, Soomin Kong, Nandini Kuppa-Apte, Janey Lee, Emmanuel Lugo, Takumi Natsume, Erin Park, Eujin Ra, Angela Ren, Chansocphentra Salcido, Peggy Shen, Jennifer Shin, Heejin Son, Grayson Ticer, Zoe Yang, Shelly Zhang
Our final exhibition of the season, the School of Art BFA and Interdisciplinary Art Degree senior show, fills all three floors of the gallery. Students present final artworks and research as the culmination of their undergraduate experience.