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Artists, Authors, & Our National Parks

You're invited to the National Park Foundation's next exclusive virtual event on Thursday, June 6, at 5:15 p.m. ET, an inside look at Theodore Roosevelt—often called "the conservation president." Learn fascinating details about his work establishing national parks and the influential women in his life.

Ed O'Keefe: CEO of the Theodore Roosevelt Presidential Library, currently under construction in western North Dakota, will take you behind the scenes of his latest book, The Loves of Theodore Roosevelt. Ed spent nearly twenty years in journalism as an Executive Producer at ABC, Editor-in-Chief at NowThis, and Senior Vice President at CNN. He was recently featured on ABC's Good Morning America. In this conversation with Will Shafroth, President and CEO of the National Park Foundation, you can look forward to exploring the life of a legendary figure from America's history.

Register here.

June 5

Fellowship 24 conversation with Anthony Francis and Xavier Scott Marshall

June 7

SummerSounds Happy Hour