Sightings Lab @ Silver Eye Pop Up Call for Entry

OPEN CALL for images of UFOs, anomalies, and other unexplained phenomena

The Lab @ Silver Eye is seeking your images of UFOs, strange anomalies, or otherwise unexplained phenomena.  

Have you seen something that you can't explain, and an iPhone photo remains the only true witness?  Was there a dark figure out there in the woods that late summer night that you couldn't quite make out, but 35mm negatives from your old Pentax K1000 reveal something unnatural?  In an effort to regain control of the narrative of these strange and unfamiliar sights, we're returning to photography as evidence that 'they do exist'.  In essence, the Lab @ Silver Eye will become a UAP research facility for 24 hours. Send your images of things that you cannot (or will not) explain, and together we will start to unpack all things of unknown origins.

Other useful keywords: UFO, UAPs, Sightings, Big Foot, The Mothman, Flatwoods Monster, cryptids, cryptozoology, 

Submissions are due on July 5 at midnight. Entries can be submitted anonymously. 

Selected Images will be displayed in at the Lab @ Silver Eye located at 5228 Penn Ave on July 7, 6-9 PM

For questions, please reach out to

Click here to apply


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