POWER PIXELS 2020 at Woodstreet Galleries

Miguel Chevalier returns with two world premiere generative and interactive virtual-reality installations:

Oscillations is a generative waveform pattern produced in real time according to the frequencies and amplitudes of music. These spectrums of different sounds generate imaginary landscapes to infinity. Music by Michel Redolfi.

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Complex Meshes is a projection that plunges visitors into a universe of 3D objects consisting of vertices, edges, and faces creating different colored polygons which overlap and evolve, transforming slowly in real time. This dynamic work is interactive: when the viewer moves in the space, the networks are disrupted. Poetically reflecting the transformation of data and information being exchanged in real time in our world today, which weaves throughout our environment and circulates continuously at an ever-increasing speed.

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Jail Museum Tours on Most Mondays


Totems, Sacraments, & Shrines