Landmarks Foundation Accepts Applications for Historic Religious Properties Grant

The deadline for the 2023 cycle is December 9, 2022.

The Pittsburgh History and Landmarks Foundation (PHLF) is now accepting grant applications for the 2023 cycle of the Historic Religious Properties Grant program. The only one of its kind in Allegheny County, the program offers matching grants of up to $10,000 for the restoration and renovation of architecturally significant historic religious buildings, where congregations also provide social services to their surrounding community.

In addition to matching grants, their organization also offers technical assistance to qualifying congregations with historic buildings where we assess the condition of the building, review architectural and /or engineering studies, and also provide congregations with advice on how to work with an architect or contractor.

They have granted more than $1.7 million in matching funds to more than 265 religious organizations and offered 70 technical assistance awards since the program’s inception in 1997. This has leveraged more than $2.9 million in funding for the renovation of historic religious properties over the years.

Your congregation is eligible to apply if your building is 50 years old or more, located in Allegheny County, and in need of technical assistance or critical exterior repairs.

To download an application, visit Navigate to the Preservation tab, and then the Historic Religious Properties Grant Program page.

For more information on eligibility and projects that qualify for a grant, or general help with completing the application, please contact: David Farkas: or 412-471-5808.

This program is made possible by contributions from PHLF Members, friends, and well-wishers. Click here if you wish to support this program.


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