Bushy Run Heritage Society President Gives Update in Letter

Hello Members and Guests,

The Bushy Run Battlefield Heritage Society has had an incredible spring season starting with Charter Day, the Spring Tea, the first of our History Speaks series on beer making, school tours, Stone room rentals, and an increase in daily visitation with some guests coming from other states around the country.

New manager Matt Adams has been a tremendous asset to our facility. His upbeat presence and his enthusiasm offering new ideas and insights have been invaluable. Matt came to Bushy Run in the midst of the planning the 260th anniversary of the Battle of Bushy Run. He has become very active with the various committees that are crucial for  this historic event.

I want to thank our volunteers who have  been intensely involved in the preparation of our site. The Museum has been painted, the carpets cleaned, new flags are flying from the flag posts, the flour bags on Edge Hill have been painted, the Springhouse foundation has been cleaned, and the grounds are mowed and trimmed. Bushy Run Battlefield is truly a shining historic treasure. Again, a generous thank you to all the volunteers and PHMC staff for dedication. 

 I wish to acknowledge and make special notation of the huge effort and work provided by Rob Malley for being the spokesperson for  the 260th Bushy Run Battlefield reenactment. From August  2022 until now Rob has spent a tremendous amount of time and energy to ensure that this event will be the best that  can be by organizing various working committees, engaging with the re-enactors, as well as other meaningful duties. In addition, a genrous thank you  to all committee chair persons and those volunteers  involved in those committees who  will make this memorable event possible. 

 Congratulations to Jim Comunale for receiving the 2022 volunteer of the year award from the Pennsylvania Historical Museum Commission. Jim has accumulated  995 hours volunteering in various capacities at Bushy Run. We have a great team of volunteers and many committees doing exceptional work to keep history alive at Bushy Run Battlefield. Come and join our team of dedicated volunteers.  We would love to hear from you.

Thank you for your continued support,

Bonnie Ramus

President BRBHS


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