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Reclaiming Cultural Stewardship and Decolonizing the Archives

The Carnegie Mellon University Libraries’ Speaker Series is honored to welcome Bekezela Mguni of the Black Unicorn Library and Archives Project. As a community archivist with work rooted in the Pittsburgh region, Bekezela will discuss methodologies of community archiving and their importance to our shared public consciousness.

What does it mean to approach the practice of archiving through a justice-centered lens? Archivists play a critical role in the preservation of our history, how we interpret the current moment, and what evidence is left behind in order to help us understand and shape our future. Whose story is deemed valuable? Whose life is seen as important enough to be remembered? What cultural lenses will we use to look at our experiences? In this talk, Mguni examines how archives can be both sites of powerful memory keeping as well as oppression and violence.

If you have a disability and require accommodation at this event, please contact Ryan Freytag at

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February 24

Panel Discussion: Spring Migration and the Safety of Our Local Birds

February 25

Soul Soldiers: African Americans and the Vietnam Era with Samuel W. Black