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Lyndon Barrois Jr.: Rosette Opening Celebration and Artist Talk

  • Carnegie Museum of Art (map)

Join us to celebrate the opening of our newest exhibition Lyndon Barrois Jr.: Rosette! Preview the exhibition, and join us in Café Carnegie at 6:30 p.m. for a conversation between artist Lyndon Barrois Jr. and Liz Park, the museum's Richard Armstrong Curator of Contemporary Art. Cash bar and small bites will be available for the celebration.

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Installation view of Lyndon Barrois Jr., Guardians Gate (Farfanicchio) (left), 2022, wood, latex paint, antique brass elements, cast iron, oil paint, twigs, brass, burlap, packing felt, and Masters of Fine Arts (right), 2011/2022, oil on canvas, artist frame, solvent transfer, plywood, curtains, frames, lights, easels, conservators coat, headlamp; dimensions variable

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