Today we take color for granted. Any color from the duskiest hue to the most brilliant imaginable is easily achieved using synthetic dyes or even everyday powdered drink mix.
The settlers, relying on natural plant and animal based dyes also had a lovely color palette to choose from, albeit generally less brilliant. The housewife had to be a dye alchemist along with her many other skills, to extract the wide variety of colors possible from the materials at hand.
Our world is filled with green everywhere we look in the summer, but surprisingly, few of these green plants offer us green dye for our cloth. Most actually offer a shade of yellow dye! Today You will watch the dye women in Talley Cavey Village share the secrets of the dyepot with a variety of dyes and mordants to acheive various shades of those elusive greens.
And, as always, you will find our village bustling with residents carrying on their everyday lives. Attend school, visit the blacksmith, and stop in to see what is happening in the log cabin.
There truly will be plenty for Everyone today!
Donation: $5/Adults, $3/Children, DLMA members are free
Pre-pay your Sunday Donation online before you come!
For more information e-mail the Museum or call 412-486-0563 and leave a message.