The Drake Well Museum Winter Academy will be held on January 5, 2023. The academy begins at 6:30 p.m. via Zoom with interactive presentations on things that take place right here in the Oil Region. Registration for each individual program is required and is free. Donations are appreciated. To register email
Museum Educator Sarah Goodman shared, “Last year, folks really appreciated the opportunity to virtually learn and discover during the months when physical access to the museum was limited due to the weather. This virtual format allows visitors the opportunity to learn from the comfort of their homes, and it provides a break from the Winter weather blues that many people get this time of year.”
On Thursday, January 5, Mitch Littler will present In Your Blood. Mitch Littler, Oil City native and former oil field worker will share his story working in the oilfields of Crawford and Venango Counties. “It's hard work, but once it gets in your blood, you'll be fine.” Something along those lines is told to almost every new oilfield worker. Most likely, season workers have passed along the old saying ever since the first wells were drilled in PA. It’s a word of advice that continues to be passed down from old timers to greenhorns in the oilfields of PA.
This talk focuses on the recent first-hand experiences of working in the oilfields of Venango, Crawford, and Forest Counties. There’s a common misconception--even among people living in NW PA--that drilling in the oil region ended shortly after the first great booms. Despite ups and downs over the years, workers continue to drill new oil wells in NW PA, sometimes only miles away from Drake's well. Mitch Littler was one of those workers who labored in the oilfields of NW PA. Mitch will read selected writings about his formative experiences as an oil worker and discuss the stories, culture, and lessons of NW PA’s oilfields.
Mitch Littler is an Oil City native and former oilfield worker who drilled and serviced wells in NW PA. Not long after high school, Mitch was employed as a roustabout and eventually worked his way up to drill rig operator before leaving the oilfield. After the oilfield, Mitch spent three years as a full-time traveling musician and performed at venues and festivals across several states. Now, he studies philosophy at the University of Pittsburgh and writes about his time as an oilfield worker in NW PA.
To register, please email to receive the Zoom meeting link.
Located off Route 8 south of Titusville, Drake Well Museum and Park is open year-round. The museum is administered by the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission in partnership with Friends of Drake Well, Inc. and is part of the Pennsylvania Trails of History® (
Additional information about the Winter Academy and other museum programs is available at, by calling (814) 827-2797, or find us on Facebook at Drake Well Museum and Park.