Museum of Geology and Natural History
Telephone Number:
1 Mont Chateau Road, Morgantown, WV 26508
Weekdays 8 AM 4:45 PM
Although a state since 1863, West Virginia was actually millions of years in the making. The mineral wealth and natural beauty of West Virginia are the result of geologic processes that began eons ago. These geologic processes produce the rocks, rivers, minerals, and mountains of the Mountain State.
The West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey's (WVGES) Museum of Geology and Natural History, housed in the lobby of the Survey's office on Cheat Lake near Morgantown, showcases the rich and varied story of West Virginia's geology through rock, mineral, fossil, and natural history displays. In addition to being a repository for all types of geologic specimens, the museum's ongoing collection includes historic books, maps, manuscripts, and artifacts.