Abel Colley Tavern & Museum



Telephone Number:

(724) 439-4422


7083 National Park Road, Smock, PA 15401


Fayette County has a wealth of history and the buildings that tell its story need to be saved and maintained for future generations. The Craig House is certainly one of these remarkable structures that need to be saved. One must look to the beginning of Fayette County and the people who have passed on before us working to erect such amazing houses.

In 1876, Robert Porter Craig, a descendant of the Honorable John Smile, built a three-story, five bay, Queen Anne brick house, which became known as the Craig House and later the Craig & Sons Farm. Here he lived with his wife, Catherine McCleary Springer and together they had three sons. They raised cattle and grew fruit trees on his hundreds of acres. It has been reported that Robert Craig was inspired to build his home in the style of the southern plantations after visiting the south. His farm won many awards at the Fayette County fairs for its peaches. No one ever had an unkind word to say about Robert and his family.

From the historical society’s websitre


Coal and Coke Heritage Center


William B. Alexander V. Genealogical Research Center