Washington County Historical Society surpasses fundraising goal of $20,000

I want to express my deepest gratitude to you for caring so much about preserving the history of Washington County.  Champions of history and preservation, such as yourself, have made our 2020 Annual Fund drive a success and helped us surpass our goal of $20,000.  

To all the individuals and businesses who have supported WCHS despite suffering from the effects of the pandemic themselves, I can’t begin to express how grateful I am. The depth of the compassion and generosity the WCHS has seen in our community this year has been truly amazing. It validates the importance of our work to the community and region.

If you have not yet contributed to our 2020 Annual Fund, you can still donate through January 31, either online or with a contribution form, by clicking below. Our only other wish would be to raise an additional $6,000 that would help replenish WCHS’s operating reserves that were partly depleted in 2020. With the community’s help, I believe we can achieve this and position WCHS not only to survive in 2021, but to thrive.

I again want to say that I am so grateful for the tremendous support we have received from you! Without you, none of the work we do would be possible.

We are excited to continue Making History by Preserving History in 2021!


Clay Kilgore

Executive Director

Washington County Historical Society


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