PCAM Member & Student Highlight: Anna Owens

The Pittsburgh Center for Arts and Media love that every day they get to admire the hard work of their members and students, not just in the studios but also on their walls! The 2nd Annual Member & Student Exhibition is still on view in their Scaife building through August 27th, so there's still time to check it out. In the meantime, get to know one of the printmaking members, Anna Owens!

“My first class at PCAM was in the fall of 2021 when I took a screen printing class. During that time I also decided to get a membership since the class made me really excited to get back into screen printing. My favorite part about being a member is the community I’ve been a part of. From talking to other printmakers in the print studio, to trying new mediums in classes, I’m very happy to have found a place that has shared so many great resources with me.

In the future I’m hoping to continue to make prints and explore different print techniques. I’ve mostly done screen printing while being a member, but also know that there’s an etching studio that I haven’t experimented in much. I’m also gearing up to apply to grad school in the fall and want to continue to build my portfolio with prints I’ve created at PCAM.”


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