Meet Julia Castor (Video)

The Pittsburgh Center for Arts and Mediad recently sat down to talk with Julia Castor, one of the three talented ceramic artists in Path of the Flame. Over the past months, Julia has been in an apprenticeship with Dan Tomcik at Touchstone Center for Crafts, and has been learning how to master the art of wood-fired atmospheric ceramics. Watch the interview below to learn more about Julia and how this apprenticeship has shaped her artistic practice!

Julia is an artist who splits her time equally between the world of visual arts and the world of fine craft. She began making pots by purchasing a wheel from Craigslist, and teaching herself in the little back corner that her art teacher let her set up in her fine art studio.

She has continued her education by participating in many intensives, workshops, classes and internships over the years and continues to do so. Her ceramic work is currently on view in Path of the Flame through November 17th.


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