Curriculum and Virtual Learning Programs at Friendship Hill, Fort Necessity, and Western Pennsylvania Parks

The staff at Fort Necessity National Battlefield and Friendship Hill National Historic Site have produced a series of virtual activities for students and young people who are unable to visit the sites. These programs can be can used by teachers and parents in their curriculum for children who are attending classes virtually. They include a video tour of the Mount Washington Tavern, a comic book-style virtual Junior Ranger and a web-based Whiskey Rebellion quiz. Each program is geared for different aged children. 

On the 25-minute virtual tour of the Mount Washington Tavern, targeted for 2nd and 3rd grade students, the park ranger leads children from room to room through the tavern. Along the way they meet pretend characters-from-the-past that talk about what life was like along the National Road in the 1840s. After each encounter with a character-from-the-past the park ranger asks the student to remember key facts the character told the audience. To find the video visit to Fort Necessity National Battlefield’s website – - and search for it using its title “Virtual Tour: Travelers and Workers Along the National Road.” 

Learners of all ages will enjoy the graphic novel style "Young George Washington’s Adventures" virtual Junior Ranger program. Written at an upper elementary reading level, students follow George Washington as he travels through the wilderness to meet with the French at their fort and learn about all his exciting adventures. After completing all the activities participants can download a Virtual Junior Ranger Badge.   Search for “Young George Washington’s Adventures: The Beginning” to start your own exciting journey alongside young Washington 

Anyone from middle school through adults may enjoy taking the political opinion quiz on the Whiskey Rebellion. In the 1790s angry farmers in western Pennsylvania rebelled against a federal tax on whiskey. Tension were high as the government tried to quell the uprising. Each side had their own ideological and economic reason for acting as they did. By taking the nine questions multiple-choice quiz, the participant will find out whether they would have held an opinion similar to the Rebels, the government Federalists, or the Moderates. Along the way they will learn about the Whiskey Rebellion, which was the first major test of federal power. Search for  “The Whiskey Rebellion: A Political Opinion Quiz”  on the Friendship Hill National Historic Site website – - to discover your political opinion. 

Students and youth can discover everyday heroes through the Western Pennsylvania Virtual Junior Ranger program. A ten question quiz guides students to learn about people, some famous and some obscure, who actions helped shaped our nation. When completed, participants can take the virtual junior ranger pledge with rangers and download a Virtual Junior Ranger Badge and stamps.  

If you are looking for more in-depth lesson plans, both Fort Necessity National Battlefield and Friendship Hill Nation Historic Site have online curriculum. For more information please call 724-329-5805. 

Screen shot from the graphic novel Young George Washington's Adventures.caption: Follow George Washington through the wilderness on his mission to meet the French at their fort in northern Pennsylvania.

Screen shot from the graphic novel Young George Washington's Adventures.

caption: Follow George Washington through the wilderness on his mission to meet the French at their fort in northern Pennsylvania.


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