Call for Artists!

Vanka Murals’ annual fundraiser -- the 7th Annual Cocktails & Conservation – is on Thursday, November 5th . Attendees of the virtual and global celebration will add to their support for the preservation of Maxo Vanka’s Murals through the Art of Social Justice Art Auction: the annual opportunity to celebrate one artist by appreciating, supporting and buying the works of others!


The Vanka Murals seeks original artwork in any visual medium (no larger than 16” x 20” and framed if possible). We especially welcome pieces inspired by the themes within the Vanka Murals. Contributed items will echo Vanka’s powerful commentary on social and political issues of the day and to celebrate and tell the story of a community. Themes such as:


• Immigrant experience in America

• Social and economic justice and injustice

• Old World/New World

• Ethnic identity and community

• Impact of human progress

• Strength and centrality of women

View items from the 2019 auction here:

Participation in this year’s virtual celebration will include new online opportunities to promote the art and the artist including the night of the event. We look forward to collaborating with artists via social media to raise awareness and increase the audience around the world.


1. Artwork may be newly created piece or donated from a personal collection with an emphasis on local and regional artists.

2. Begin your submission by emailing a high definition photograph and a short description to:

3. If accepted, we’ll send you a submission form to complete with details (image description, medium, size, value, etc.) about the item and delivery information.

Vanka Murals will coordinate delivery with each artist/donor. We must receive the piece(s) no later than Monday, November 2nd . Auction promotion begins on March 6th .

With our thanks… the artist/donor…

• will receive up to 10 all-access digital passes to the event.

• may retain a portion of the sale.

Questions? Anna Doering, Managing Director – *Vanka Murals may accept or decline donations in accordance with its gift acceptance policies.


Historic Crawford Grill No. 2 Listed in the National Register


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