Art on Fire Celebration and Auction. Last Chance for VIP Access.

Creativity is at the core of everything that takes place at Pittsburgh Glass Center. The need to work remotely over the past few months has provided a lot of opportunity for creativity and literally thinking outside of the box (building). Needless to say, we’re all very much looking forward to a time when we can again gather together to celebrate art and community in person.

That’s why we’re thrilled to announce this year’s Art on Fire Celebration & Auction will take place on Friday, September 25. We’re hopeful that by September some of life’s normalcy will have returned and gatherings will be safe to hold again, but please be assured that your safety is of utmost concern and we will follow CDC and state issued guidelines and recommendations. In the event that circumstances related to COVID-19 make it impossible for a physical auction and party to take place, contingency plans are being developed including an online auction and virtual event with some exciting possibilities—stay tuned!

Support for PGC is more important now than ever as all in person programming that generates earned income has been paused due to COVID-19.
 Art on Fire is PGC’s most impactful fundraising event,
generating more than 10% of annual operating funds in just one night.

 Proceeds directly support artists and programs that embody PGC’s mission to support glass artists and teach, create, and promote glass art. Free public programming and accessibility initiatives at PGC include free monthly open houses and demonstrations, three exhibitions a year that are always free and open to the public, and scholarships for veterans and students of color to take classes and workshops. 

Honorary Artist Sharif Bey

This year’s honorary artist Sharif Bey is a ceramicist whose work ranges from decorative/functional pottery to conceptual wearable works influenced by ritual and identity; he first discovered glass and began incorporating it into his work through an artist residency at PGC in 2017–18. We’re delighted to invite him back to Pittsburgh this year. 

Join Us on the Host Committee; Get VIP Access
Every host committee member is highlighted on the event invitation and is also 
invited to a private preview party and glassblowing demonstration at PGC with this year’s honorary artist, Sharif Bey, on Wednesday, September 23.


  1. Become a Friend Sponsor ($1,000) You receive 6 tickets to Art on Fire and the preview party & demonstration. 

  2. Support an Artist ($500) You receive 2 tickets to Art on Fire and the preview party & demonstration and 2 tickets will be given to local artists to attend both events. 

  3. Buy Two Tickets ($250) You receive 2 tickets to Art on Fire and the preview party & demonstration. If you cannot attend, PGC can provide a charitable receipt for a fully tax-deductible gift. Please respond by July 1 by returning the enclosed form or joining online at 

We appreciate your support and look forward to celebrating with you at Art on Fire! If you have questions, please contact me at



International Village Exhibit at the McKeesport Heritage Center


Johnstown Flood Museum now open 5 days a week