Area History Club Donates to Educational Programs


Norwin School District’s History Club members pause for a photo on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. in 2019.

It is no secret: schools, educators, parents, and students are navigating unfamiliar territory this school year. Whether in person, remote, or hybrid, this school year is one for the history books. In the midst of so much unprecedented change, students from Norwin High School’s History Club selflessly voted to donate $275.00 from their club to the Pittsburgh History and Landmark Foundation’s educational programs.

Choosing to support regional historic preservation education efforts, these students set an example for all of us. Norwin High School was scheduled to participate in an Urban Survival tour in March 2020. Even after their in-person experience was cancelled, and even in a time of economic uncertainty, they chose to support the long-term vitality of the Pittsburgh region through this donation. We commend this example of engaged citizenship. We are proud of these students and we thank them for their support. We look forward to seeing what they achieve in the future.

The support of members, well-wishers, and various funders allows us to educate people of all ages on our region’s rich architectural history––giving them opportunities to develop for themselves a sense of hometown pride, to see the value in diversity, and to feel a connection to their community.

Click here to donate if you would like to support our educational programs.


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